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SKeyes Center for Media and Cultural Freedom - Samir Kassir Foundation

Israeli forces close down television and arrest 3 media workers

Sunday , 13 March 2016

Israeli forces closed Ramallah-based TV station Palestine Today and arrested its manager as well as 2 media professionals on Friday, March 11, 2016 over allegations of inciting violence.

Israeli forces raided the offices of Palestine today in Ramallah over allegations of inciting violence against Israel and its citizens and ordered its closure. The decision follows the Israel security cabinet decision’s on March 10 to close down Palestinian media accused of incitement. The station’s director Farouk Alyat, 34, photo-journalist Mohammed Amr and technician Shabib Shabib were arrested.

Media company "Trans-Media" based in the city of Bireh was also closed.Media reports that Palestine Today, which has offices in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, continued to broadcast to the West Bank via its Lebanese transmitters.  

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