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SKeyes Center for Media and Cultural Freedom - Samir Kassir Foundation

NewsGuard: The coronavirus ‘infodemic’ is real. We rated the websites responsible for it.

Source STAT News
Friday , 28 February 2020

The coronavirus has spawned an infodemic.

That’s the World Health Organization’s term for the conspiracies, unsubstantiated claims, and phony cures surrounding the outbreak of Covid-19 that emerged in China at the tail end of 2019.

The challenges to accurate information on the disease outbreak took center stage at this week’s White House press briefing when President Trump said that “the risk to the American people remains very low” despite the Centers for the Disease Control and Prevention’s warning that the novel coronavirus that causes Covid-19 is bound to spread more widely in the U.S.

I’m an editor at NewsGuard, which rates the credibility of news and information websites. Our ongoing analyses show that misinformation about the outbreak is clearly beating reliable information when it comes to engagement on social media worldwide.

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