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SKeyes Center for Media and Cultural Freedom - Samir Kassir Foundation

Protecting the Integrity of the Information Landscape in Elections

Source Spark Blue
Monday , 10 October 2022
Photo credit: AP
Starting Monday, October 10, 2022, the Action Coalition on Information Integrity in Elections is launching a four week online global consultation "Promoting Information Integrity in Elections"
Elections are under attack around the world. The deployment of sophisticated disinformation tactics is now a common strategy to influence democratic processes. We invite you to join us, as we try to develop a consensus about the scale of the problem, what responses work and why, and how we can mobilise digital technologies effectively in this fight.
We welcome your contributions to one or more of the discussion rooms:

Defining the problem
2. Gathering best practice
3. Digital interventions and their role in facilitating responses
The consultation rooms are fully moderated and open 24/7, you can drop in any time to have your say.
Feel free to share widely with your teams and networks and we look forward to your active participation and contributions!
The Action Coalition on Information Integrity in Elections
Action Coalition Members
  • Africa Centre for Freedom of Information  
  • Centre for Elections, Democracy, Accountability and Representation (CEDAR), Birmingham University 
  • Institute for Strategic Dialogue  
  • International IDEA 
  • UNDP 
  • Samir Kassir Foundation 
  • Panos Institute Southern Africa  

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